Phone validation and number formatting library based on google libphonenumber
# npm install phonelookup
Validate phone and get info
var Phone = require('phonelookup');
// valid phone types by default: ['generalDesc', 'fixedLine', 'mobile', 'personalNumber', 'tollFree', 'premiumRate'];;
// you can test only mobiles and home numbers for example:
// var phone = new Phone(['fixedLine', 'mobile']);
var phone = new Phone();
var testPhone = '+1 212 CALL NOW';
// remove all non digit chars from phone and replace alphas by digits
var normalizedPhone = phone.normalize(testPhone);
console.log(normalizedPhone); // 12122255669
// generate random phone for specified country code
var randomPhone = phone.random('US');
console.log(randomPhone); // 15809280360
// get phone info (or 'undefined' for invalid phone)
var info =;
{ id: 'US',
phone: '12122255669',
code: '1',
line: '2122255669',
type: 'fixedLine',
format: '+1 (212) 225-5669' }