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Guitéliq – a toolset for knowledge work

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Simple TUI (terminal user interface) for accessing your PDF, DjVu readings, and LaTeX, Markdown writings, using your preferred editors and viewers.


ai-writings - navigate and search your LaTeX and Markdown docs

  • Lists all .tex and .md files (except .inc.tex and from your Writings directory (see Configuration) and its subdirectories.
  • Fetches the titles of .tex documents.
  • Recently modified documents appear higher on the list.

ai-readings - single access point for your library

  • Lists all .pdf and .djvu files from your Readings directory (see Configuration) and its subdirectories.


Build locally

Haskell compiler is a prerequisite, installation instructions are here.

To compile and install the executables, run make install.

Et voilà, Guitéliq is up and running!

Download executables

You can download binary directly from GitHub releases.

After downloading binary, make it executable and copy it under convenient location, for example:

chmod +x ai-readings-osx ai-writings-osx
mv ai-readings-osx /usr/local/bin/ai-readings
mv ai-writings-osx /usr/local/bin/ai-writings


The config file ~/.guiteliq/config.json will be created upon the first start of either app. Here are the configuration attributes:

Attribute Description The root directory for all your writings (.tex documents), relative to the home directory. The default value is Documents/Writings, which resolves to ~/Documents/Writings. The root directory for all your readings (.pdf and .djvu documents), relative to the home directory. The default value is Documents/Library.
md.cmd.prefix The command for opening .md files.
latex.cmd.prefix The command for opening .tex files.
djvu.cmd.prefix The command for opening .djvu files.
pdf.cmd.prefix The command for opening .pdf files.
editor.prefix The command for opening all other files. Set to use your preferred editor, e.g. vim, emacs, or other. The default value is code.

How to add LaTeX templates

The root directory for LaTeX templates is ~/.guiteliq/templates. To create your own template, say note, create a direcory ~/.guiteliq/templates/note and put all necessary files (e.g. preamble and bibliography) inside.

There are several conventions:

  • The main .tex file should be called main.tex.
  • Inside main.tex, there should be an (empty) command \title{}.
  • All included LaTeX files should have an extension .inc.tex.