A simple version control system written in Go with the Cobra library for creating CLI applications. Inspired by Git and Build Your Own VCS by Ryan Heathcote.
- Clone this repository
$ git clone git@github.com:arnavsurve/vcs.git && cd vcs
- Compile the vcs binary
$ go build -o vcs
$ ./vcs
A simple version control system
vcs [command]
Available Commands:
add Add a file to the repository
commit Commit changes to the repository
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
init Initialize a new repository
status Show the working tree status
-h, --help help for vcs
-t, --toggle Help message for toggle
Use "vcs [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Prints a help message for vcs or for a specific command.
./vcs --help
# or
./vcs [command] --help
# or
./vcs help [command]
Creates the necessary directories and files for the repository, including the repository directory (.vcs
), objects directory, and index file. If the repository already exists, a message is displayed indicating that the repository already exists.
Allows users to add a file to the repository. It checks if the file is ignored based on the patterns specified in the .vcsignore file. If the file is not ignored, it adds the file to the index and updates the index file with the new file's information.
Allows users to commit changes to the repository by providing a commit message.
Displays the working tree status, showing the changes to be committed and the unstaged changes. This command also checks the .vcsignore file for ignored patterns and computes the SHA1 hash of each file to compare with the index.
fix status showing to be committed after it is already committed
implement unstaging changes
implement diff
implement better pattern handling in
implement better pattern handling in
- e.g.
go run main.go add .
adds a file named"."
rather than all unstaged files
- e.g.
handle multiple files being added at the same time
> go run main.go add LICENSE README.md File added: LICENSE
implement commit history (git log)