TempFile is a small library inspired by the SplTempFileObject providing solutions for commonly occurring tasks when dealing with temporary files.
$ composer require arne-groskurth/temp-file
use ArneGroskurth\TempFile\TempFile;
$tempFile = new TempFile();
// TempFile offers all commonly used file-related functions including fread, fwrite, ftell, fseek and feof.
$tempFile->fwrite('Hello World!');
// Construct response object and write to stdout
// (Requires installation of package "symfony/http-foundation")
// Obtain path-based access to temporary file within callback function
$tempFile->accessPath(function($path) {
$content = file_get_contents($path);
$content = str_replace('Hello World!', 'Got you!', $content);
file_put_contents($path, $content);
// Echos 'Got yout!'
print $tempFile->getContent();
// Persist temporary file to some path