Training Feedforward Neural Networks with Bayesian Hyper-Heuristics
Many different heuristics have been developed and used to train feedforward neural networks (FFNNs). However, selection of the best heuristic to train FFNNs is a time consuming and non-trivial exercise. Careful, systematic selection is required to ensure that the best heuristic is used to train FFNNs. In the past, selection was done by trial and error. A modern approach is to automate the heuristic selection process. Often it is found that a single approach is not sufficient. Research has proposed the use of hybridisation of heuristics. One such approach is referred to as hyper-heuristics (HHs). HHs focus on dynamically finding the best heuristic or combinations of heuristics in heuristic-space by making use of heuristic performance information. One such implementation of a HH is a population-based approach that guides the search process by dynamically selecting heuristics from a heuristic-pool to be applied to different entities that represent candidate solutions to the problem- space, and work together to find good solutions. This dissertation introduces a novel population-based Bayesian hyper-heuristic (BHH). An empirical study is done by using the BHH to train FFNNs. An in-depth behaviour analysis is done and the performance of the BHH is compared to that of ten popular low-level heuristics each with different search behaviours. The chosen heuristic pool consists out of classic gradient-based heuristics as well as meta-heuristics. The empirical process is executed on fourteen datasets consisting of classification and regression problems with varying characteristics. Results are analysed for statistical significance and the BHH is shown to be able to train FFNNs well and provide an automated method for finding the best heuristic to train the FFNNs at various stages of the training process.
hyper-heuristics, meta-learning, feedforward neural networks, supervised learning, Bayesian statistics
Arné Schreuder
Master of Science candidate (u10053604)
Dept. of Computer Science (CS)
School of Information Technology (IT)
Faculty of Engineering Built Environment and IT (EBIT)
University of Pretoria (UP)
Computational Intelligence Research Group (CIRG)
Dr. Anna Bosman
Senior Lecturer
Dept. of Computer Science (CS)
School of Information Technology (IT)
Faculty of Engineering Built Environment and IT (EBIT)
University of Pretoria (UP)
Computational Intelligence Research Group (CIRG)
Prof. Christopher Cleghorn
Associate Professor
Dept. of Computer Science (CS)
School of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
University of Witwatersrand Johannesburg (WITS)
Prof. Andries Engelbrecht
Voigt Chair in Data Science
Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Computer Science Division
School of Information Technology (IT)
Faculty of Engineering
Stellenbosch University (SUN)
Create a virtual environment as follows:
pip install virtualenv
python -m virtualenv .venv
To activate the virtual environment, execute:
source .venv/bin/activate
source .env
and to deactive, execute:
The repo has a bunch of required dependencies. To install them, execute:
pip install -r requirements.txt
There are 2 groups of experiments to run:
- Standalone Heuristics
usage: [-h] --dataset
[--seed SEED]
Training Feedforward Neural Networks using Bayesian Hyper-Heuristics
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dataset {abalone,air_quality,bank,bike,car,iris,diabetic,fish_toxicity,forest_fires,housing,mushroom,parkinsons,student_performance,wine_quality}
The dataset to use
--optimiser {sgd,momentum,nag,adagrad,rmsprop,adadelta,adam,pso,de,ga}
The optimiser to use
--seed SEED The seed to use
usage: [-h] --dataset
[--seed SEED] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL]
[--heuristic-pool {all,gd,mh}]
[--population-size {5,10,15,20,25}] [--burn_in {0,10,20,50,100}]
[--replay {1,5,10,15,20}] [--reselection {1,5,10,15,20}]
[--reanalysis {1,5,10,15,20}] [--normalise NORMALISE]
[--credit {ibest,pbest,rbest,gbest,symmetric}]
[--discounted-rewards DISCOUNTED_REWARDS]
Training Feedforward Neural Networks using Bayesian Hyper-Heuristics
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dataset {abalone,air_quality,bank,bike,car,iris,diabetic,fish_toxicity,forest_fires,housing,mushroom,parkinsons,student_performance,wine_quality}
The dataset to use
--seed SEED The seed to use
--log-level LOG_LEVEL
The log level to use
--heuristic-pool {all,gd,mh}
The BHH heuristic pool to use
--population-size {5,10,15,20,25}
The population size to use
--burn_in {0,10,20,50,100}
The burn-in to use
--replay {1,5,10,15,20}
The replay buffer size to use
--reselection {1,5,10,15,20}
The reselection interval to use
--reanalysis {1,5,10,15,20}
The reanalysis interval to use
--normalise NORMALISE
The normalisation flag
--credit {ibest,pbest,rbest,gbest,symmetric}
The credit assignment strategy to use
--discounted-rewards DISCOUNTED_REWARDS
The credit reward discount flag
When citing this work, please use the following BibTex citation:
author = {Schreuder, A.N},
title = {Training Feedforward Neural Networks using Bayesian Hyper-Heuristics},
institution = {University of Pretoria, South Africa},
school = {Department of Computer Science}
year = 2022,