Magic: The Gathering collection manager
For running and developing magcol you will need the following packages: Server:
- php
- postgresql
- perl Client:
- pHash
- opencv
Installing on a Debian-based system you can:
apt-get install php7.3 perl libjson-perl libdbd-pg-perl postgresql postgresql-contrib
Update the file /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf and set trust as authentication method for local sessions
Restart the service via /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
Connecting to the database using the following command:
psql magcol dbamagcol
start a tiny php server for development:
php -S -t www/
run requests via curl for example:
purge the database and re-populate:
for sql in $(ls server/database/*.sql); do sudo -u postgres psql -f $sql; done