Analyze firewall traffic logs to determine which firewall rules are in use and what traffic matched those rules. A typical use-case is to replace a generic rule with more specific rules better matching the traffic.
Currently Cisco ASA/FWSM and Fortinet FortiGate firewalls are supported. There is a separate preprocessor for each platform, and to create support for a new platform or rule syntax all that's needed is to add a new preprocessor for it. The analysis running on Hadoop is vendor-agnostic and only depends on rules and rulesets stored in an access-list database ("input/accesslists.db" in Python Shelve format).
Read this blog post for examples and a walkthrough of the usage.
To be able to run the analysis as a Hadoop job, you need:
- Firewall config file as a text file (for example config file collected by RANCID)
- Firewall log files uploaded to HDFS
- Hadoop tools installed, to be able to submit jobs to a cluster
- You need the hadoop binary and the path to the hadoop-streaming jar file
- Test availability of tools with hadoop version in a terminal
- Python module 'ciscoconfparse' installed (only on host performing preprocessing of firewall config)
- Install with 'easy_install -U ciscoconfparse' or get tarball from
- Python module 'IPy' installed on all cluster nodes
- Install with 'easy_install -U IPy' or get tarball from
- Ask your cluster administrator for help if you don't have access to installing packages on the cluster nodes
- Git submodule 'fw-regex' checked out after checking out this repo: 'git submodule init && git submodule update'
Before launching your first analysis, first make sure all prerequisites listed above are met.
To perform a ruleset-analysis, you need to complete the following steps:
- Preprocess firewall config to create a database of accesslists:
with the path to the firewall config file as the only argument - Launch the job on the cluster by running
with the HDFS path to log files (supplying more than one path is supported) - Copy the result files to local disk:
hadoop dfs -getmerge $outputdir output/$outputdir```
4. Run postprocessing script to generate the ruleset report:
```./ -f output/$outputdir > output/$outputdir-postprocessed.log```
5. Display results: `less output/$outputdir-postprocessed.log`