A Clojure client for Amazon's route53 DNS service.
[clj-r53 "1.0.3"]
Almost all fns take an argument called account-id. This is a map containing :user and :password. These are your AWS account id and secret. This is the same as your S3 credentials. To find it, go to aws.amazon.com, click on Account, click on Security Credentials. :user is the value in "Access Key ID" and :password is the value in "Secret Access Key".
It's expected you've read the r53 documentation and are familiar with its concepts.
Create a hosted DNS with
(clj-r53.client/create-hosted-zone-request ...)
Get the zone-id with
To make changes (add/delete records), use a with-r53-transaction block. It looks like
(clj-r53.client/with-r53-transaction account-ids zone-id
(client/create-A-name :name "foo.bar.com" :value "" :ttl 300)
(client/create-CNAME :name "baz.bar.com" :value "" :ttl 300))
(let [account {:user (System/getenv "AWS_KEY")
:password (System/getenv "AWS_SECRET")}
zone-id (get (clj-r53.client/list-hosted-zones account) "example.com.")]
(with-r53-transaction account zone-id
(create-A-name :name "www.example.com" :value "" :ttl (str 600) :comment "comment")
(create-A-name :name "www2.example.com" :value ["" ""] :ttl (str 600) :comment "comment")
(create-CNAME :name "foo.example.com" :value "foo2.example.com" :ttl (str 600) :comment "comment")
(create-TXT :name "smtpapi._domainkey.mail.example.com" :value "\"k=rsa; t=s; p=12345ABCDEF\"" :ttl (str 600) :comment "comment")
(create-MX :name "example.com" :value ["10 mail1.example.com" "20 mail2.example.com"] :ttl (str 600) :comment "comment")
(create-AAAA :name "example.com" :value ["10 mail1.example.com" "20 mail2.example.com"] :ttl (str 600) :comment "comment")
(create-AAAA :name "aaaa.example.com" :value ["2001:1234:abcd::1"] :ttl (str 600) :comment "comment")))
(let [account {:user (System/getenv "AWS_KEY")
:password (System/getenv "AWS_SECRET")}
zone-id (get (clj-r53.client/list-hosted-zones account) "example.com.")]
(update-record account zone-id {:name "foo.example.com."} {:value "" :comment "my new comment"}))
Any number of actions can be included, subject to r53 limitations.
EPL, same as Clojure