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aspot v1.1


This mod is a universal ping/spot mod for GZDOOM designed with cooperative play in mind. It adds a single action to mark a spot or thing under the crosshair, visible to all players.


This mod uses a modified LibEye library by KeksDose; the notice has been included here. For all other code, see the LICENSE file.

Take a moment to appreciate these beautiful people:

Greyfalll Accensusphantombeta KeksDose
support / testing programming assistance LibEye library

This mod uses the following resources:

Resource Authors
ASPOT**.png arookas
ARNG**.png arookas
spot_ring.wav Sandlot


You can download aspot by going to the Releases page, or by clicking the green Code button above and clicking Download ZIP. The mod is designed to be universal, so simply load it alongside your other mods to begin using it.


The spot command is arookas_spot and can be found as the "Spot" control under the Multiplayer Controls menu. Bind it to any input of choice.


When spotting, an indicator will appear at the point under that player's crosshair. It will be styled according to what was targetted, and will automatically follow moving actors. Each player can have only one active spot at a time; activating the command again will remove any existing indicators.

The types of indicators are as follows:

Target Indicator † ASpotType value
Living monster Red ASPOT_MONSTER
Inventory item Green ASPOT_PICKUP
Other player Blue ASPOT_FRIEND
Dead monster White ASPOT_WORLD
Regular actor White ASPOT_WORLD
Level geometry White ASPOT_WORLD

Colors are based on the builtin "ring" style. Other styles may use different colors.


The indicators can be configured using the aspot_style CVAR. aspot provides the following builtin styles:

Name Origin Description
ring (default) Earth Defense Force Simple animated ring indicator with color coding and sound.
icon Risk of Rain 2 More advanced indicator with icons, color coding, name tags, and console logging.

More styles can be added as submods by implementing the ZScript ASpotStyle interface. The interface has the following functions:

Function Scope Description
GetStyleName data Returns the name of the style. Used by the aspot_style CVAR to identify the style. The default behavior returns the class name.
LoadStyle data Used to initialize any resources and data used by the style. Returns true if successfully loaded and false upon error.
SpawnSpot play Spawns the 3D actor used to position the indicator. The actor returned by this function controls the indicator duration and sounds.
DrawSpot ui Draws the 2D indicator on the player's screen. This function controls the indicator appearance.

For simple styles that use a 2D texture and sound, you can use the ASpotBasicStyle class instead. This class exposes a new interface and offloads most of the boilerplate:

Function Scope Description
GetTexName data Specifies the texture to use for a given ASpotType. See Behavior for the full list of spot types.
GetSpotClass data The class of the spot actor. Defaults to ASpotBasicPuff, which lasts for 8 seconds.
GetSpotSound data Override this to add a sound to the spot. By default, no sound will be played. This should be the logical name as specified in SNDINFO.
GetDrawMargin data Optional vector2 margin on the edges of the screen for the 2D indicator texture. The graphic will clamp to this border. Units are same as in Screen.

Note: See the builtin "ring" style for an example implementation.

Once a custom style is defined, load the mod alongside aspot and set your aspot_style CVAR to the name of the custom style. If the chosen style cannot be found (e.g. its containing mod is no longer loaded), or an error occurs when initializing the style, the style will default to the builtin "ring" style.