J.O.W.N. - Just Our Workflow Notation
This is the prototyping repository for prototyping various behavior and learning the technologies in a sandbox environment for usage in the actual project codebase.
Prereq: Node.js & NPM are installed and are added to the path.
You should have access to some bash terminal for the following commands.
Clone the Git repository.
git clone git@github.com:arpitshah101/JOWN.git
Install the following global dependencies:
npm install -g bower gulp typescript tslint typings
Install all the local npm dependencies.
npm install
Install all the type definitions for TypeScript.
typings install
- TypeScript
- For backend code to provide typechecking despite ultimately being compiled to JavaScript.
- Gulp
- Task automation
- Used to automate build from src folder to dest folder with compiled JavaScript
- Mongoose
- ORM (Object Relational Mapping) for models to be saved into MongoDB (and provides query language)
- Mocha --> Chai
- Automated test framework for JavaScript
- To be used on backend for sure
- Possibly used for automated tests on the web components provided as a part of the Polymer Element Catalog
https://anotheruiguy.gitbooks.io/nodeexpreslibsass_from-scratch/content/gulp.html https://semaphoreci.com/community/tutorials/getting-started-with-node-js-and-mocha https://www.mikestreety.co.uk/blog/advanced-gulp-file
- Arpit Shah
- Jon Getahun
- Baltsar Hesslow
- Xi Chen