A class to load shellcode in memory written in D.
How does it work ?
It uses NTApi to load and call the shellcode if loaded. For demo, I use a simple csharp app displaying a messagebox converted in shellcode with https://github.com/TheWover/donut.
How to use it ?
Just instance a new class like :
Loader l = new Loader(your_shellcode_array);
and then call your shellcode :
l.CallFromAThread();//or l.Call
Functions Added :
- NtAllocateVirtualMemory
- NtWriteVirtualMemory
- NtProtectVirtualMemory
- GetCurrentProcess
What is the difference between 'Call' and 'CallFromAthread' ?
Sources :
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/processthreadsapi/nf-processthreadsapi-createthread
- https://github.com/secrary/InjectProc/blob/master/InjectProc/injection.cpp
- https://github.com/3gstudent/Inject-dll-by-Process-Doppelganging/blob/master/inject.c
- https://github.com/3gstudent/Inject-dll-by-Process-Doppelganging/blob/master/ntos.h
- https://github.com/arsium/ShellCodeLoader/blob/main/ShellCodeLoader/ShellCodeLoader.cs
- https://tour.dlang.org/tour/en/basics/basic-types
- https://doxygen.reactos.org/