I went with TypeScript over JavaScript because I got used to it in my previous projects. I like to be always clear what I am operating on + better code completion in WebStorm.
I chose MongoDB since I am familiar with it, and it was also recommended.
I am using mongoose
for the simplicity and readability of the queries.
I am using dotenv
to store database URL, PORT, and gifts API URL for security reasons
Quick summary of my models and interfaces:
There are two collections at play in my data model:
Every runner has:
- name
- speed
- position
- array of gifts – we need this to keep track of the inventory for a particular runner, and e.g. preventing them from using gift that they don't have!
Every gift has:
- name
- boost
- gifted - # of times each gift was gifted (not used, as per spec). We need this for gift metadata
- in_a_row – # of times each gift was used in a row. Update it to 0 for every gift other than the current one whenever a new gift is used. Also check that 4 in a row does not happen
We don't need to store the name of the spectator, because we just want to keep track of the gifts, not who gave them.
I decided to separate gifts
and runners
tables because we have things about gifts that we want to keep track of globally across the project. Every other design decision about data model pretty much followed directly from demands of the business logic.
I decided to go with in_a_row
data field for every gift, because it allows us to simply track the most recently used gifts.
The hardest routes have definitely been postSendGift()
and postUseGift()
They were particularly hard because both required operating on two data models (runners and gifts), and checking that 4-in-a-row or first-letter rules are not violated.
Also, in general, both routes involved checking for a lot of conditions that could easily break the entire model, for example a runner can attempt to use a gift that they do not have!
's logic is the trickiest to implement of all, because we update a lot of data fields, counters, and doing at least one thing here wrong immediately messes up the whole data model, and it becomes unrecoverable.
I also did a lot of error handling, just because I had fun doing it.
I looked up the status code manual online, and I found that 404, 200, and 424 are the most suitable codes for the needs of this simple API:
for success404
for a URL not found424
for when our connection to database fails or when we violate any sort of conditions, like 4 gifts in a row.- I could have included other error codes, but I don't think this is real
- Install the packages: run
npm install
in the root directory of the project - Launch mongo. For Mac & Homebrew it is
brew services run mongodb-community
- Launch external json gifts API:
json-server --watch db.json
- Launch server:
npm run prod
- Test API in Postman
- Monitor in MongoDB Compass
run server.ts –> create app() –> connect to mongo() –> get updated list of gifts() –> app launches on port
This is the tutorial I used to set up my core project and incorporate TypeScript:
Since local database instance was enough as per project spec, install MongoDB locally:
We get additional security by using validation of mongoose models (such as specifying that the field is required):
For question about gift metadata: https://dev.to/devtronic/javascript-map-an-array-of-objects-to-a-dictionary-3f42
Explanation of what Object.assign({}, {}) does: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/assign#merging_objects_with_same_properties
A guide i used for status codes:
I found a nice template for the API documentation here: https://github.com/jamescooke/restapidocs/blob/master/examples/login.md
Used to register a new runner
URL : /runner
Method : POST
Auth required : NO
Data constraints
"name": "[non-empty string]",
"speed": "[number]"
Data example
"name": "Anjan",
"speed": 5
Code : 200 OK
Content example
"code": 200,
"Message": "Successfully inserted runner Anjan with speed 5"
Condition : If could not connect to MongoDB or write a new runner there
Content :
"code": 424,
"message": "Failed because could not update create runner in the database!"
Used to get a list of all runners (any ordering)
URL : /runner
Method : GET
Auth required : NO
Code : 200 OK
Content example
"runners": [
Condition : If could not fetch the list of available runners
Content :
"code": 424,
"message": "Failed because could not fetch the list of available runners!"
Used to send a gift to a currently registered runner
URL : /gift
Method : POST
Auth required : NO
Data constraints
"name": "[non-empty string]",
"spectator": "[non-empty string]",
"runner": "[non-empty string. Runner must be registered]"
Data example
"name": "Mystery Pills",
"spectator": "Emir",
"runner": "Danielle"
Code : 200 OK
Content example
"code": 200,
"Message": "Successfully sent runner Danielle a gift called Mystery Pills"
Condition : If could not fetch the list of available gifts or write an update about the gift to the database
Example Content :
"code": 424,
"message": "Failed because could not update list of runner's gifts in the database!"
Used to use a gift to (hopefully) get a boost to speed for a current user
URL : /use
Method : POST
Auth required : NO
Data constraints
"runner": "[non-empty string. Runner must be registered]",
"boost": "[non-empty string. Gift must exist in the API for gifts]"
Data example
"runner": "Anjan",
"boost": "Bread"
Code : 200 OK
Content example
"code": 200,
"Message": "Runner Anjan successfully used a gift called Bread"
Condition : If the same gift is being used 4 times in a row OR if the current runner does not have the gift in their inventory
Example Content :
"code": 424,
"message": "Failed because this gift does not exist for the current runner!"
Used to "play the game" some number of seconds (simulate): update positions of every player according to the time elapsed and their current speed (position = speed * time).
Output the sorted list of the runners in the race (who currently is 1st, 2nd, etc, in descending order)
URL : /sim
Method : POST
Auth required : NO
Data constraints
"seconds": "number > 0"
Data example
"seconds": 10
Code : 200 OK
Content example
"runners": [
Condition : If could not update positions of the runners or connect to database
Example Content :
"code": 424,
"message": "Failed because could not update positions of the runners!"
Used to get metadata for all the gifts (specifically, # times each gift was gifted)
URL : /gift/metadata
Method : GET
Auth required : NO
Code : 200 OK
Content example
"gifts": {
"Bread": 1,
"Water": 3,
"Mystery Pills": 0,
"Cookie": 5,
"Cheese Touch": 1
Condition : If could not fetch the list of available gifts and their statistics
Content :
"code": 424,
"message": "Failed because could not fetch the list of available gifts!"
Club project to join industry branch for Web Development @ Berkeley