Clickhouse implementation of Janusgraph storage backend.
- New version 0.6.1 of JanusGraph compatibility.
- ClickHouse 20.7 or above supported.
- Use official clickhouse jdbc and HikariCP to manage the datasource.
- Add dependency to your maven project. See maven central repository to find the latest version.
- Config the Janusgraph.
ModifiableConfiguration config = GraphDatabaseConfiguration.buildGraphConfiguration();
config.set(GraphDatabaseConfiguration.STORAGE_BACKEND, "io.github.artjourney.janusgraph.ClickhouseStoreManager");
config.set(ClickhouseConfiguration.JDBC_URL, "jdbc:ch://");
config.set(ClickhouseConfiguration.JDBC_USERNAME, "");
config.set(ClickhouseConfiguration.JDBC_PASSWORD, "");
config.set(ClickhouseConfiguration.AUTO_CREATE_TABLE, true);
JanusGraph graph =;
- Clickhouse Configuration.
Configuration | Property Name | Description | Data Type | Default Value | Mutability |
AUTO_CREATE_TABLE | | When this is true, JanusGraph will attempt to auto create tables if not exists. This is useful when running JanusGraph in first running instance. | Boolean | true | MASKABLE |
JDBC_URL | storage.clickhouse.jdbc.url | The jdbc url of the clickhouse. | String | jdbc:ch:// | LOCAL |
JDBC_USERNAME | storage.clickhouse.jdbc.username | The jdbc username of the clickhouse. | String | (no default value) | LOCAL |
JDBC_PASSWORD | storage.clickhouse.jdbc.password | The jdbc password of the clickhouse. | String | (no default value) | LOCAL |
JDBC_MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE | storage.clickhouse.jdbc.maximum-pool-size | The jdbc maximum pool size of the clickhouse. | Integer | 10 | LOCAL |
JDBC_MINIMUM_IDLE | storage.clickhouse.jdbc.minimum-idle | The jdbc minimum idle of the clickhouse. | Integer | 5 | LOCAL |
JDBC_MAX_LIFETIME | storage.clickhouse.jdbc.max-lifetime | The jdbc max lifetime of the clickhouse. | Integer | 1800000 | LOCAL |
JDBC_IDLE_TIMEOUT | storage.clickhouse.jdbc.idle-timeout | The jdbc idle timeout of the clickhouse. | Integer | 600000 | LOCAL |
JDBC_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT | storage.clickhouse.jdbc.connection-timeout | The jdbc connection timeout of the clickhouse. | Integer | 60000 | LOCAL |
JDBC_TCP_KEEPALIVE | storage.clickhouse.jdbc.tcp-keepalive | The jdbc if tcp keep alive enabled of the clickhouse. | Boolean | true | LOCAL |
JDBC_KEEPALIVE_TIME | storage.clickhouse.jdbc.keepalive-time | The jdbc keep alive time of the clickhouse. | Integer | 60000 | LOCAL |
BATCH_MUTATION_SIZE | storage.clickhouse.jdbc.batch-mutation-size | The batch mutation(insert/delete) size of the clickhouse. | Integer | 1000 | LOCAL |
Example of configuration:
- More clickhouse JDBC usage see clickhouse-jdbc.
- ClickHouse® is a column-oriented database management system (DBMS) for online analytical processing of queries (OLAP). It's not transactions. Multiple instances write may case dirty reads that may lead to some unwanted side effect like ghost vertices.
- It will create MergeTree Engine of tables defaults. If you want to use ReplicatedMergeTree or Distributed, you can manually create tables. Table contains k,c,v columns, which types are Array(Int8).
CREATE TABLE table_name (k Array(Int8), c Array(Int8), v Array(Int8)) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree(...) ORDER BY (k,c)
- You should create 9 tables as follows:
- system_properties
- system_properties_lock_
- graphindex
- graphindex_lock_
- edgestore
- edgestore_lock_
- janusgraph_ids
- systemlog
- txlog
- You should create 9 tables as follows: