Scripts for SiW ECAL test beam analysis
################################### is the macro that reads the raw files and makes covnersion to root files, for single slabs. Example of how to run it is in root -l -q /home/irles/cernbox/TB2017/SiWECAL-TB-analysis-dev/"/Folder_path/"/"",""dif_1_1_1.raw"",bcid_threshold) The bcid threshold is used to refine retriggers (retriggers are consecutive triggers with bcid[sca+1}-bcid[sca] < bcid_trheshold
Analysis tools are provided in
cd singleslab/
--> pedestal studies --> mip studies. (see README in the folder)
One can use the
script to automatically convert (raw2root), merge (single slab files) and build events.
The usage is:
./ path/to/dir/with/runs [options]
The options can be seen by executing without arguments.
Use mergeRootFiles.C
to merge the root files from different slabs:
$ ./ /path/to/root/files/prefix_ (before dif_1)..)
root[] .L mergeRootFiles.C
root[] m = new mergeRootFiles()
root[] m->Merge("path/to/dir/with/files/run_prefix_")
Use to build BCID-based events with hits from the merged file.
Run as:
$ ./ merged_filename.root
One can modify the maxEntries
to process.
The pedestal file directory has to be updated in the
The tungsten/W configuration is hard-coded in the
For now simple analysis is possible directly from the ROOT prompt with ecal->Draw()
A python analyzer will be added soon.
- python event analyzer