A fuzzy finder similar to fzf-native-vim but with different scoring algorithm.
NOTE: This is not a CLI tool but a library.
The search term is backward compatible with fzf.
foo -> fuzzy
'foo -> exact
^foo -> prefix-exact
foo$ -> suffix-exact
!foo -> inverse-exact
!^foo -> inverse-prefix-exact
!foo$ -> inverse-suffix-exact
// Note that OR has precedence over AND
foo ^bar baz$ -> (and (and foo ^bar) baz$)
'foo | !bar !baz$ | !^bax -> (and (or 'foo !bar) (or !baz$ !^bax))
See main.zig
tests for more examples.
test "example usage" {
const a = testing.allocator;
const texts = &[_][]const u8{ "unique", "foo", "foobar", "barfoo", "$order^^^", "xyz_", "abxy", "$order^", "$order^^" };
var matcher = MatchFinder.init(a, texts);
defer matcher.deinit();
const or_bin = try matcher.search("unique | foo");
defer a.free(or_bin);
try expect(or_bin.len == 4);
const and_bin = try matcher.search("foo bar");
defer a.free(and_bin);
try expect(and_bin.len == 2);
const or_and = try matcher.search("foo foo | bar");
defer a.free(or_and);
try expect(or_and.len == 3);