A Ruby client for the Artsy APIv1.
This project is obsolete. We have since released a public API that no longer requires a specific artsy-ruby-client gem. Check out our public API at developers.artsy.net.
require 'artsy_client'
Authenticate with a client ID and secret.
Artsy::Client.configure do |config|
config.client_id = ...
config.client_secret = ...
Artsy::Client.authenticate! # retrieves a short lived xapp_token
Alternatively, if you have an access token granted for offline access.
Artsy::Client.configure do |config|
config.access_token = ... # access token granted for offline access
This token lasts for 25 years and can be obtained from the command-line.
curl -v "https://artsy.net/oauth2/access_token
The client also supports logging in with a username and password, however, using credentials sent in plain-text is not recommended.
Artsy::Client.configure do |config|
config.client_id = ...
config.client_secret = ...
config.user_email = ...
config.user_password = ...
Artsy::Client.authenticate! # retrieves a short lived access_token
me = Artsy::Client.me
puts "#{me.name} <#{me.email}> (#{me.id})"
# an artist
andy_warhol = Artsy::Client.artist("andy-warhol")
puts "#{andy_warhol.name}, #{andy_warhol.years}"
# an artwork by Andy Warhol
andy_warhol_skull = Artsy::Client.artwork("andy-warhol-skull")
puts "#{andy_warhol_skull.title}, #{andy_warhol_skull.date} by #{andy_warhol_skull.artist.name}"
# 3 works by Andy Warhol
andy_warhol.artworks({ :size => 3 }).each do |artwork|
puts "#{artwork.title}, #{artwork.date}"
Artworks must be created before they can be published.
artwork = Artsy::Client.create_artwork(title: 'Mona Lisa')
Artsy::Client.update_artwork(artwork.id, private: false, published: true)
Shows can be returned in a virtually infinite feed. Each response contains a set of results and a cursor for the next query.
cursor = nil
3.times do
options = {}
options[:cursor] = cursor if cursor
r = Artsy::Client.shows_feed(options)
r[:results].each do |show|
puts "#{show.name}"
show.artworks.each do |artwork|
puts " #{artwork.title}, #{artwork.date}"
cursor = r[:next]
break unless cursor
You can retrieve a sample show.
Artsy::Client.shows(sample: 1, status: :current, published_with_eligible_artworks: true).each do |show|
puts "#{show.name} at #{show.partner.name}"
Featured posts can be returned in a virtually infinite feed. Each response contains a set of results and a cursor for the next query.
cursor = nil
3.times do
options = {}
options[:cursor] = cursor if cursor
r = Artsy::Client.featured_posts(options)
r[:results].each do |post|
puts "#{post.title}"
cursor = r[:next]
break unless cursor
Autocomplete search terms.
Artsy::Client.autocomplete('andy warhol').each do |search_query|
puts search_query.query
Create content pages.
Artsy::Client.create_page(name: 'About', content: 'Foo bar baz.', published: true)
Setup verbose logging.
Artsy::Client.configure do |config|
config.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
config.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
Fork the project. Make your feature addition or bug fix with tests. Send a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
MIT License, see LICENSE for details.
(c) 2013 Daniel Doubrovkine, Artsy Inc.