Understanding Hyperledger Fabric This training is focused on preparing IT professionals in Hyperledger Fabric 1.1 foundations and providing uses cases with demos. It will introduce you to the need for Blockchain applications, use cases, and about Hyperledger Fabric, which is the open source framework for developing Blockchain applications and solutions with a modular architecture.
What you'll learn-and how you can apply it What Hyperledger Fabric is and how it benefits your organization The advantages of Hyperledger vs other Blockchain Hyperledger Blockchain terminology and concepts Concepts and use cases of permissioned blockchains Design identities, entities, transactions, etc. Key services such as Endorsers, orderers, clients, smart contracts Hyperledger Composer. Explorer and Playground This training course is for you because... You need an introduction to Hyperledger Fabric and its framework, services, capabilities and use cases You are an aspiring blockchain engineer or developer who wants to learn more about permissioned blockchains You are working towards a blockchain certification You need to understand use cases for Hyperledger Fabric for your career Prerequisites
Engineers with knowledge in programming, networking and architecture Understanding of Golang, Java, or Javascript would be helpful but not needed for foundations Recommended preparation:
Basic Blockchain knowledge, which can be gained by watching Introducting Blockchain LiveLessons Resources:
Review Hyperledger.org website Review Hyperledger documentation and code