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Kasia Kozlowska edited this page Oct 14, 2020 · 2 revisions


GeNet is a python package which provides tools to represent and work with a multi-modal transport network with public transport (PT) services. It is based on MATSim's representation of such networks.

The goal of GeNet is to:

  • Provide a formalised in-memory data structure for representing a multi-modal network with a PT service
  • Enable using the data structure for tasks such as generating auxiliary MATSim files e.g. Road Pricing
  • Simplify the process of modifying a network and provide simple change log to track the differences between the input and output networks.
  • Provide validation methods to check for simple errors such as: graph connectivity for different modes of transport, validity of transit services and their relation to the network via their network routes.

Before using GeNet please read Data Standards for Inputs and Outputs.

When ready, dive into GeNet's Functionality and Usage Guide.