Handles the short-commings of aws lambdas and NodeJS's requirement for ICU to be loaded at runtime
You install ICU data in your project,
when you require this module, it synchronously, copies that data to the /tmp directory and Creates AWS_INTL global
which acts similar to the Intl global, but causes a spawn'd process which has ICU to run all your code
node -e 'console.dir("npm install icu4c-data@"+process.config.variables.icu_ver_major+process.config.variables.icu_endianness)'
# install what it tells you
npm i aws-icu --save
// in your lambda handler js file
//use AWS_INTL instead of INTL or set INTL = AWS_INTL
let collatorEN = new AWS_INTL.Collator('en-us');
let collatorNB = new AWS_INTL.Collator('nb-no');
let en = ['aa', 'a', 'z'].sort( (a, b) => collatorEN.compare(a,b) );
let nb = ['aa', 'a', 'z'].sort( (a, b) => collatorNB.compare(a,b) );
console.log('en_US', en, 'nb_NO',nb);
> en_US [ 'a', 'aa', 'z' ] nb_NO [ 'a', 'z', 'aa' ]
let numberEN = new AWS_INTL.NumberFormat('en-us', { style : 'currency', currency : 'USD', currencyDisplay : 'symbol'});
let numberNB = new AWS_INTL.NumberFormat('nb-no', { style : 'currency', currency : 'USD', currencyDisplay : 'symbol'});
console.log('en_US', numberEN.format(7), 'nb_NO', numberNB.format(7));
> en_US $7.00 nb_NO USD 7,00
let dateEN = new AWS_INTL.DateTimeFormat('en-us', {year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric'});
let dateNB = new AWS_INTL.DateTimeFormat('nb-no', {year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric'});
console.log('en_US', dateEN.format(new Date()), 'nb_NO', dateNB.format(new Date()));
> en_US 8/7/2018 nb_NO 7.8.2018