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In this project I wrote a C++ controller for a quad and used the simulator to test different tunings

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Controls Writeup

Motor controls

We use the following equation for the motor thrusts. We solve for F's by inverting the matrix. Equation 1

The inverted matrix looks like: invert

so the equation for motor thrusts is

// [thrust_1]   [c_bar]           [ 1/4  1/4  1/4  1/4]
// [thrust_2] = [p_bar=Mx/l]   x  [ 1/4 -1/4  1/4 -1/4]
// [thrust_3]   [q_bar=My/l]      [ 1/4  1/4 -1/4 -1/4]
// [thrust_4]   [r_bar=Mz/kappa]  [ 1/4 -1/4 -1/4 -1/4]

apparently the system accepts thrust as sqrt(F/k_f) according to F = k_f * omega^2, so no need to calc actual F per rotor

cmd.desiredThrustsN[0] = (c_bar + p_bar + q_bar + r_bar) / 4.f;
cmd.desiredThrustsN[1] = (c_bar - p_bar + q_bar - r_bar) / 4.f;
cmd.desiredThrustsN[2] = (c_bar + p_bar - q_bar - r_bar) / 4.f;
cmd.desiredThrustsN[3] = (c_bar - p_bar - q_bar - r_bar) / 4.f;

I don't understand why this is the case, but it works.

Body Rate Controller

Body rate controller is a basic P controller. Just get the error from commanded rate and actual rate, multiply by the proportional gain kPQR and the moments of inertia of each axis.

Roll Pitch Controller

The rollpitch controller takes xy accelerations, attitude and thrust to generate commands for p, q

Relationships between xy accel and thrust depend on b_x and b_y which are R13 and R23 in the rotation matrix

Lateral Controller

The lateral controller will use a PD controller with feedforward to command target values for elements of the drone's rotation matrix. The drone generates lateral acceleration by changing the body orientation which results in non-zero thrust in the desired direction. This will translate into the commanded rotation matrix elements 𝑏𝑥𝑐 and 𝑏𝑦𝑐. The control equations have the following form: lateral control formula for the 𝑦 direction the control equations will have the same form as above.

Altitude controller

This is a PID controller. The QuadController has an instance variable integratedAltitudeError to easily keep track of the iTerm over time (position error * dt). The formula we need is p_term + i_term + d_term where

p_term = kPosZ * zErr
d_term = kVelZ * velZErr (remember to constrain this for min max rates)
i_term = kiZ * integratedAltitudeError

Then to get thrust as adjusted for all the additional thrusts coming from the roll pitch: altitude control formula where b_z is R33 in the rotation matrix.

float bZ = R(2,2);

float posError = posZCmd - posZ;
integratedAltitudeError += posError * dt;
float velZError =  CONSTRAIN(velZCmd - velZ, -maxAscentRate, maxDescentRate);

float pTerm = kpPosZ * posError;
float dTerm = kpVelZ * velZError;
float iTerm = KiPosZ * integratedAltitudeError;
accelZCmd += pTerm + iTerm + dTerm;

// formula for vertical accel command is:
// accelZCmd = c * bZ + g
// c = (accelZCmd - g) / bZ

float thrustAcc = (CONST_GRAVITY - accelZCmd) / bZ;

// convert accel to thrust (N) by adjusting for mass
// F = ma
thrust = thrustAcc * mass; // invert accel for NED

Equation 2

Scenario 1

Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 2

Scenario 3

Scenario 3

Scenario 4

Scenario 4


In this project I wrote a C++ controller for a quad and used the simulator to test different tunings






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