Results-driven Full Stack Developer with 4+ years of experience delivering scalable web applications. Proficient in front-end and back-end technologies, collaborating effectively to meet user requirements. Expertise in diverse programming languages and frameworks for innovative, responsive solutions. Committed to continuous improvement, staying current with emerging technologies. Strong problem-solving skills for robust, secure, and high-performance software. Seeking a dynamic role in a growth-oriented environment to contribute technical acumen and collaborative approach.
document.write("Hello World");
var status =
learning : [Go, Rust],
interests: [Web Development, Application Development, Research, Open Source ]
const skills =
languages :[JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Go],
frameworks && libraries :[ReactJS, React Native, NodeJS, ExpressJS, GraphQL, CSS Framework, RestFul API, NextJS],
databases :[MongoDB, MySql, PostgreSQL, Firebase],
platforms :[GCP, AWS, Firebase, Heroku, Digital Ocean, Netlify, Vercel, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Jira]
Developer dev = new Developer(arvindvishwakarma);
while(dev.isCoding() && dev.isStuck())