Python utilities to query and get stats from the loaded wordlist for NYTime's Wordle game
is scraped from the wordle source code's minifiedmain.js
contains functions toload
and getstats
for a list of words. Can also use aliasl
shows an example how this code can be used to solve wordle
import wordle as wd
L = wd.load("wordlist.csv")
# or wd.load() or even wd.l()
# or wd.s(L)
L1 = wd.query(L, contains = ['A','R'], not_contains=['I'], positions={4:'E'}, not_positions={2:'A'})
# or wd.q(...)
{'A': 975, 'C': 475, 'B': 280, 'E': 1230, 'D': 393, 'G': 310, 'F': 229, 'I': 670, 'H': 387, 'K': 210, 'J': 27, 'M': 316, 'L': 716, 'O': 753, 'N': 573, 'Q': 29, 'P': 365, 'S': 668, 'R': 897, 'U': 466, 'T': 729, 'W': 194, 'V': 152, 'Y': 424, 'X': 37, 'Z': 40}
{'A': 11, 'C': 2, 'B': 1, 'E': 12, 'D': 1, 'G': 5, 'F': 1, 'I': 0, 'H': 0, 'K': 0, 'J': 0, 'M': 0, 'L': 1, 'O': 2, 'N': 1, 'Q': 0, 'P': 1, 'S': 2, 'R': 11, 'U': 2, 'T': 0, 'W': 0, 'V': 1, 'Y': 0, 'X': 0, 'Z': 1}