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This is a joint code repository for two papers published at 16th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems

(Seattle, WA, USA, 18th-23rd September 2022)

1. Effective and Efficient Training for Sequential Recommendation using Recency Sampling Aleksandr Petrov (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) and Craig Macdonald (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) (paper link).

2. A Systematic Review and Replicability Study of BERT4Rec for Sequential Recommendation Aleksandr Petrov (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) and Craig Macdonald (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) (paper link).

The code includes benchmark of three available BERT4Rec implementations, as well as our own implementation of BERT4Rec based on Hugging Face Transformers library.

if you use any part of this code, please cite one or both papers of the papers using following BibTex:

  title={Effective and Efficient Training for Sequential Recommendation using Recency Sampling},
  author={Petrov, Aleksandr and Macdonald, Craig},
  booktitle={Sixteen ACM Conference on Recommender Systems},
  title={A Systematic Review and Replicability Study of BERT4Rec for Sequential Recommendation},
  author={Petrov, Aleksandr and Macdonald, Craig},
  booktitle={Sixteen ACM Conference on Recommender Systems},

Expected BERT4Rec results on Standard datasets

We hope our work becomes a resource for verifying expected BERT4Rec results. When you use BERT4Rec as a baseline, the numbers you should expect are as follows:

Recall@10 (also known as HIT@10)

Dataset Uniformly Sampled, 100 negatives Popularity sampled, 100 negatives Unsampled
Movielens-1M1 0.8039 0.6975 0.2821
Movielens-20M2 0.9453 0.7409 0.2886


Dataset Uniformly Sampled, 100 negatives Popularity sampled, 100 negatives Unsampled
Movielens-1M1 0.6008 0.4751 0.1516
Movielens-20M2 0.7827 0.5259 0.1732

If your results are lower by a large margin you are likely using underfit version of BERT4Rec.

1 Result achieved using our model from this repository, based on Hugging Face transformers

2 Result achieved using BERT4Rec-VAE implementation


The instruction has been tested on an Ubuntu 22.04 LTS machine with an NVIDIA RTX 3090 GPU.

Please follow this step-by-step instruction to reproduce our results

1. Install Anaconda environment manager:

If you don't have anaconda installed in your system, please follow the instruction

2. Create the project working directory

mkdir aprec_repro
cd aprec_repro

3. Create an anaconda environment with necessary package versions:

conda create -y -c pytorch -c conda-forge --name aprec_repro python=3.9.12 cudnn= cudatoolkit=11.6.0
conda install pytorch-gpu=1.10.0
conda install tensorflow-gpu=2.6.2
conda install gh=2.1.0 
conda install expect=5.45.4

4. Add working working directory to the PYTHONPATH of the anaconda environment:

conda env config vars set -n aprec_repro PYTHONPATH=`pwd`

5. Activate the environment

conda activate aprec_repro

6. Install python packages in the environment:

pip3  install "jupyter>=1.0.0" "tqdm>=4.62.3" "requests>=2.26.0" "pandas>=1.3.3" "lightfm>=1.16" "scipy>=1.6.0" "tornado>=6.1" "numpy>=1.19.5" "scikit-learn>=1.0" "lightgbm>=3.3.0" "mmh3>=3.0.0" "matplotlib>=3.4.3" "seaborn>=0.11.2" "jupyterlab>=3.2.2" "telegram_send>=0.25" "transformers>=4.16.1" "recbole>=1.0.1" "wget>=3.2" "pytest>=7.1.2" "pytest-forked>=1.4.0" "setuptools==59.5.0"

7. Clone necessary github repos into workdir:

7.1 our patched version of BERT4Rec-VAE-Pytorch version.

The patch allows the code to be used as a library: We have to keep this repo separately due to licenses incompatibility

git clone b4rvae

7.2 This github repo:

git clone aprec

8. Download Yelp Dataset

8.1 Create folder for the dataset:

  mkdir -p aprec/data/yelp

8.2 Go to

8.3 Click "Download" button

8.4 Fill the form

8.5 Donwload JSON version of the dataset.

8.6 Put the yelp_dataset.tar file to the freshly created dataset folder aprec/data/yelp

9. Test the code

Your environment is now ready to run the experiments. To ensure that everything works correctly, run the tests:

cd aprec/tests
pytest --verbose --forked . 

Runnig experiments

1. Go to aprec evaluation folder:

cd <your working directory>
cd aprec/evaluation

2. Run example experiment:

you need to run with the experiment configuration file. Here is how to do it with an example configuration:

sh configs/


For experiment reproducibility purposes requires that all code in the repository is commited before running the experiment. The framework records commit id in the experiment results, so that it is always possible to return to exatly the same state of the repository and rerun the experiment. If you want to override this behaviour, set environment variable CHECK_COMMIT_STATUS=false. For example:

CHECK_COMMIT_STATUS=false sh configs/

3. Analyze experiment results

Experiment may be running for some time. To watch what's going on with the experiment in realtime, just tail the the experiment stdout (the link to stdout is given as an output of

tail -f ./results/<experiment_id>/stdout

You may also check results of the models that already have been evaluated using script:

python3 ./results/<experiment_id>/stdout

This will give pretty formatted representation of the results:


Hugging Face Transformers based implementation of BERT4Rec.

Many models in this framework are based on DNNSequentialRecommender - basic class for many deep neural networks based models ( code).

To use this code, you need to configure it with specific model architecture, data splitting strategy, loss function and so on. Here is an example, how to configure it for BERT4Rec with Hugging Face based model:

         model = BERT4Rec(embedding_size=32) # model architeture
        recommender = DNNSequentialRecommender(model, train_epochs=10000, early_stop_epochs=50000,
                                               loss = MeanPredLoss(), # Loss function. Hugging Face model computes loss inside the model, so we just use its output. 
                                               debug=True, sequence_splitter=lambda: ItemsMasking(), #Items Masking - strategy to separate labels from sequence used by BERT4Rec 
                                               targets_builder=lambda: ItemsMaskingTargetsBuilder(), #Also items masking - this class is used to convert splitted data to model targets. 
                                               val_sequence_splitter=lambda: ItemsMasking(force_last=True), #How we split data for validation: only mask element in the sequence. 
                                               pred_history_vectorizer=AddMaskHistoryVectorizer(), #How we convert sequences for inference. 

More examples how to configure models can be found in tests and configuration files.

The model itself is quite simple and can be found in this file. We also provide implementations of ALBERT4Rec (code, example config) and DeBERTa4Rec (code, test, example config)

Experiment configrations for Recency Sampling paper:

Experiment Dataset Training time limit (hours) Models in the experiment
configs/configs/ 1 Baselines (Top popular; MF-BPR, SASRec); BERT4Rec-1h; GRU4rec, Caser, Sasrec with lambdarank/bce loss and Continuation/RSS objective
configs/configs/ 16 BERT4Rec-16h
configs/configs/ yelp 1 Baselines (Top popular; MF-BPR, SASRec); BERT4Rec-1h; GRU4rec, Caser, Sasrec with lambdarank/bce loss and Continuation/RSS objective
configs/configs/ yelp 16 BERT4Rec-16h
configs/configs/ MovieLens-20M 1 Baselines (Top popular; MF-BPR, SASRec); BERT4Rec-1h; GRU4rec, Caser, Sasrec with lambdarank/bce loss and Continuation/RSS objective
configs/configs/ MovieLens-20M 16 BERT4Rec-16h
configs/configs/ Gowalla 1 Baselines (Top popular; MF-BPR, SASRec); BERT4Rec-1h; GRU4rec, Caser, Sasrec with lambdarank/bce loss and Continuation/RSS objective

Experiment configurations for reproducing the Replicability paper results:

RQ1. Default BERT4Rec configurations

Experiment Dataset Models in the experiment
configs/bert4rec_repro_paper/ MovieLens-1M Baselines (MF-BPR, SASRec), 5 BERT4Rec versions with default configuration (Original, BERT4Rec-Vae, Recbole, Ours, Ours-longer-seq)
configs/bert4rec_repro_paper/ Beauty Baselines (MF-BPR, SASRec), 4 BERT4Rec versions with default configuration (Original, BERT4Rec-Vae, Recbole, Ours)
configs/bert4rec_repro_paper/ Steam Baselines (MF-BPR, SASRec), 4 BERT4Rec versions with default configuration (Original, BERT4Rec-Vae, Recbole, Ours)
configs/bert4rec_repro_paper/ MovieLens-20M Baselines (MF-BPR, SASRec), 5 BERT4Rec versions with default configuration (Original, BERT4Rec-Vae, Recbole, Ours, Ours-longer-seq)

RQ2. Original BERT4Rec training time.

Experiment Dataset Models in the experiment ML-1M Original BERT4Rec (200000 training steps) ML-1M Original BERT4Rec (400000 training steps) ML-1M Original BERT4Rec (800000 training steps) ML-1M Original BERT4Rec (1600000 training steps) ML-1M Original BERT4Rec (3200000 training steps) ML-1M Original BERT4Rec (6400000 training steps) ML-1M Original BERT4Rec (12800000 training steps)

Systematic review of BERT4Rec and SASRec

Spreadsheet with systematic comparison of BERT4Rec and SASRec can be found by the link:

RQ3. Other Transformers.

Experiment Dataset Models in the experiment
configs/bert4rec_repro_paper/ ML-1M DeBERTa4Rec
configs/bert4rec_repro_paper/ ML-1M ALBERT4Rec

Benchmark results (on MovieLens-1M dataset):



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