RITA - Robot Inventor to Teach Algorithms
It is an educational project using Blockly as a block IDE, it allows users to create Robots compatibles with Robocode
Rita web is developed using mainly:
- Backend:
- Spring boot
- Kotlin
- Robocode library from MVN
- Frontend:
- Angular
- Blockly
- Ngrx
- Backend folder: Rest API using Spring boot + Kotlin
- Webspa folder:
- rita: RITA Webspa
- robocode-blockly: blockly plugin to generate code compatible with blockly
- ngx-robocode-blockly: Angular wrapper from robocode-blockly
- ngx-robocode-blockly-test: Test project to see how ngx-robocode-blockly works
- Development: docker-compose files to run project dependencies: PGSQL, Keycloak, MINIO
Docker images available