data integration The global architecture is available in the file.
- python 3.4
- RabbitMQ
You can use virtualenvwrapper for creating virtual environments.
mkvirtualenv tartare -p python3.4
workon tartare
Installation of dependencies
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
cd path/to/tartare
honcho start
Run the application with Docker and Docker Compose
We use a docker image for deployment purpose.
Note: we use the new interface version of docker-compose, so docker version needs to be >= 1.10, docker-compose version needs to be >= 1.6
cd path/to/tartare
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Affect rights to input/output folders
sudo chmod o+rwx -R /tmp/tartare/*
To watch logs output:
docker-compose logs -f
Tartare provides an Api to POST Navitia data to update.
The Rest Api is based on Flask. To run only the rest API:
cd path/to/tartare
honcho start web
Serving Flask app "tartare.api"
Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
POST a file:
curl -X POST -F file=@path/to/
cd path/to/tartare
PYTHONPATH=. py.test tests