ACRier is an American Carbon Registry verifier. It is a web application equipped with an android mobile application that provides a simple system for farmers and other industries to monitor their carbon emissions levels, but most importantly streamlines the auditing process removing the need to hire an auditor.
Farmers use this platform to sign up through a quick an easy method using a HubId and begin to quickly analyze their fields. Using Google Maps API they can additionally create a new project, create a report for their project, and view their recent reports.
Farmers can upload the necessary data files for auditing/verification on the mobile app such as: fertilizer yield, soil moisture readings, and official documents for the auditor with their phones if they happen to be on site. Additionally this is a scrollview so if you scroll down they can also take pictures of their fields during flooding and drying periods.
There are three main folders the front-end, back-end, and android. Each contains the different parts of this project. To get it up and running set up the server/database from the back-end, open up the front-end and look for the welcome.html file and this is what you're going to want up on a server. The android app can be made to communicate with the the front-end with a ittle hacking on your end. Happy forking! More about this hackathon/project below:
- Climate
- Finance
- Identity
- Google Maps API
- HubId API