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AtlaZ is a toolkit designed for the analysis and visualization of zebrafish gene expression data across developmental stages and tissues. This package facilitates the integration of anatomical data, gene expression profiles, and ontological information, enabling researchers to explore the assortment of gene expression across developmental stages in zebrafish.

The package uses the E-ERAD-475 dataset available from the Expression Atlas which contains the expression values of all genes found in zebrafish across all developmental stages.

It was built as an R package, and was developed as a part of a course project for BCB410H1: Applied Bioinformatics during the Fall 2023 semester at the University of Toronto. The development environment used was:

Software Version
R 4.3.1
Platform arch64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)
OS macOS Sonoma 14.1.2


To install the latest development version of AtlaZ, run the following code in R:

devtools::install_github("ashenafee/AtlaZ", build_vignettes = TRUE)

To run the Shiny app:



To get an overview of AtlaZ in your R session, run the following code:

data(package = "AtlaZ")

AtlaZ has one major class, Gene, which is used to store information about a gene. It has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
geneSymbol The gene symbol of the gene.
ensemblID The Ensembl ID of the gene.
zfinID The ZFIN ID of the gene.
anatomy An AnatomyList object containing information on the different possible areas where this gene is expressed.
ontology An OntologyList object containing information on the different possible GO groups this gene falls into.

The AnatomyList class stores many Anatomy objects which contain information on a specific area where a gene is expressed. In a similar fashion, the OntologyList class stores many Ontology objects which contain information on a specific GO group a gene falls into. These classes are a new addition as prior there was lots of wrangling with nested lists to get this information. By using these classes, it is much easier to access the information from one single Gene object.

Data Visualization

plotGeneExpression is a function that creates a line plot of gene expression values for a specific gene over different developmental stages. The line plot is an effective way to visualize how the expression of a particular gene changes across different stages of development. Each point on the line corresponds to a gene expression value at a particular developmental stage, and the line’s progression shows the trend of these values over time. This can help researchers identify patterns or anomalies in gene expression, which can be critical in understanding gene function and its role in development.

plotMultipleGeneExpression does the same thing as plotGeneExpression, but for multiple genes. This is useful for comparing the expression of multiple genes across different developmental stages.

Fetching from ZFIN

getZfinBackgroundInfo(zfinId: str) is a function that fetches background information about a gene from ZFIN. This function was initially used to obtain the anatomical and ontological information, but getGeneInfo() is now favoured.

Fetching from Ensembl

getGeneInfo(geneSymbols: str[]) is a function that fetches information on one or more genes from Ensembl. This function is used to populate the Gene object with information about the gene. This function is also used to populate the AnatomyList and OntologyList objects with information about the different areas where the gene is expressed and the different GO groups the gene falls into, respectively.

Overview Figure 1. An overview of the AtlaZ workflow and how it works on a high level.

AtlaZ mainly uses the data from the E-ERAD-475 dataset, and that’s where most functionality is unlocked/tested.

If data is provided as input (i.e., it’s from the user and not from ZFIN), it must be cleaned up and formatted first before it can be used by AtlaZ. This data must be formatted with the following headings: Gene ID, Gene Name, zygote, cleavage 2-cell, blastula 128-cell, blastula 1k-cell, blastula dome, gastrula 50%-epiboly, gastrula shield, gastrula 75%-epiboly, segmentation 1-4 somites, segmentation 14-19 somites, segmentation 20-25 somites, pharyngula prim-5, pharyngula prim-15, pharyngula prim-25, hatching long-pec, larval protruding mouth larval day 4, larval day 5.

A valid Ensembl identifier must be under Gene ID with a valid gene symbol under Gene Name. The rest of the columns can consist of numerical values as those represent expression values across each development stage.


My name is Ashenafee Mandefro, and I am the author of this package. I’ve worked with large databases similar to ZFIN in the past (i.e., GenBank, Ensembl) and I want to adapt my skills to a zebrafish context, given that fits into the context of my current thesis project at the Lin Lab. You can see more of my projects here.

Expression Atlas is used as the primary data source in AtlaZ, with the primary dataset being E-ERAD-475 dataset. Aside from Expression Atlas, more datasets are available for download from ZFIN from their website which is available here. The data provided by ZFIN is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Generative AI was used to help with creating the initial documentation for each function. Specifically, GitHub Copilot was prompted with the contents of the function and an initial docstring, and it generated a final docstring that was then edited by the author. More information on GitHub Copilot is available here.


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This package was developed as part of an assessment for 2023 BCB410H: Applied Bioinformat- ics course at the University of Toronto, Toronto, CANADA. AtlaZ welcomes issues, enhancement requests, and other contributions. To submit an issue, use the GitHub issues.


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