NodeJS + ElasticSearch + Logstash example
This example imports a CSV file with the data from 500 restaurants including their opening and closing hours to ElasticSearch. It then allows the user to query which restaurants are open at a given time.
- We'll start an ElasticSearch server locally on port 9200.
- We'll import the CSV to ElasticSearch using Logstash.
- We'll run a simple Express server on port 8080 to handle user requests.
- Download the latest stable version of ElasticSearch and extract it somewhere, then cd into that directory and execute it:
Now that you have an ElasticSearch server running, leave that terminal open, and let's import the data from the CSV file to ElasticSearch.
- Download the latest stable version of Logstash and extract it somewhere, then fire up another terminal and cd into the directory where you extracted it, create a file called csv.conf and paste the following into it:
input { file { path => ["/path/to/restaurants.csv"] start_position => "beginning" sincedb_path => "/dev/null" } } filter { csv { columns => [ "id", "created_at", "updated_at", "city_id", "opening_hr", "closing_hr", "delivery_charge", "description_en", "description_ar", "menus_count", "reviews_count", "branches_count", "photos_count", "name_en", "name_ar" ] } ruby { code => ' event.set("opening_hr", Time.strptime(event.get("opening_hr"), "%I:%M:%S %p").strftime("%H%M")); event.set("closing_hr", Time.strptime(event.get("closing_hr"), "%I:%M:%S %p").strftime("%H%M")); ' } } output { stdout { codec => rubydebug } elasticsearch { action => "index" hosts => [""] index => "restaurants" document_type => "restaurant" document_id => "%{id}" workers => 1 } }
Make sure to replace the path in the third line with the path to restaurants.csv on your PC, and remove the headers from the CSV file.
- We're all set. Make sure you're still in the directory where you extracted Logstash and run the following command:
./bin/logstash -f csv.conf
Now ElasticSearch is ready for queries.
- git clone this repo to your PC, then cd into the directory where you cloned it and run the following command to install the required dependencies:
npm install
- Now start the server, run the following command:
node OpenRest.js
- Finally, use your browser to test, the URL should look like this:
For example, to see the first 10 results for restaurants open at 10 AM, go to the following URL:
Increase the page number for more results.
- That's it.