Hat-Bazar an Online Grocery Store which will provide buying and selling of daily Groceries. The main target of this project is to create a platform to where a customer can buy their daily necessary goods by requesting an order.On the other hand the Admin of this site approve the order and deliver the goods. Moreover, the system has been developed in such a way which makes it reliable, secure and user friendly.
- Customer can check goods according to category
- Customer can search goods by typing in the search bar
- Customer can Add to cart
- Customer can Update and Delete goods from cart
- Customer can checkout for his order by registering or login
- Customer can update their shipping information
- Admin can Add and Manage Goods(Products)
- Admin can Add and Manage User(Employee)
- Admin can Add and Manage Category, Subcategory and Manufacturer
- Check Order and Take action on Order (Approve/Cancel)
- Generate an Invoice according to order)
- Laravel Framwork backend services
- MySql for Database administration
- javascript for frontend design
- Bootstrap Template
- Some Others vendors such as for add to cart
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