JasperViewrFx is a full featured Jasper report viewer written completely in JavaFx. It has the following features:
- View and zoom all of the pages of a Jasper report document.
- Export report documents to the following formats: PDF, PNG, DOCX, XLSX, HTML
- Print reports using the system dialog.
Originally this project has been forked from mgrecol/JasperViewerFx and I decided to improve it by code cleaning, refactoring, simplifying and small GUI redesigning.
JasperViewerFx is made to be included in a running JavaFxApplication. This means that a running JavaFx application would already have have a stage created. What you need to integrate this feature into your project is just put jar into your classpath, after that:
JRViewer jrViewer = new JRViewer();
Stage viewerStage = jrViewer.getViewerStage(jasperPrint);
Additionally you can pass supported language parameter, scene size and export filetypes which you need:
JRViewer jrViewer = new JRViewer(
640, 420, "./reports", "my report.pdf",
You can listen to fail to load report event:
final Stage viewerStage = jrViewer.buildStage(jasperPrint);
viewerStage.addEventHandler(com.mgrecol.jasper.jasperviewerfx.event.JR_REPORT_LOAD_FAILED, e -> {
System.out.println("failed to load report");
To build jar with dependencies use maven command:
assembly:assembly -DdescriptorId=jar-with-dependencies