This is a brand new library for reading and writing HiMD media. Unlike linux-minidisc, himd-js supports writing ATRAC3, ATRAC3+ and PCM audio as well as MP3.
For now, it is impossible to use this library as a standalone application - there's no CLI available.
The library has two modes of operation:
In this mode, it's only possible to read and write tracks' metadata (titles, track play order, etc.), upload MP3s and download the audio.
It is not possible to upload ATRAC3/3+/PCM with this mode.
async function example(){
// When using Node.JS:
const fs = new NativeHiMDFilesystem("/path/to/HiMD/root");
// When using Chrome (FileSystemAccess API):
const fs = await FSAHiMDFilesystem.init();
const himd = await HiMD.init(fs);
// Use the HiMD handle
renameDisc(himd, "Example disc!");
// Upload an MP3 file
const stream = await himd.openWriteStream();
const title = {
title: "Example",
album: "Test",
artist: "Foobar",
await uploadMP3Track(himd, stream, mp3DataArrayBuffer, title, console.log);
// Do not forget to flush the changes!
await himd.flush();
Because this mode takes full control over the HiMD device, and can issue SCSI commands directly to it, it's possible to upload ATRAC3/3+/PCM audio
All the examples from mode 1 which utilize the HiMD
object still work.
async function example(){
// There are two ways to get the WebUSB handle for a HiMD device
// 1. Under Chrome - use the `netmd-exploits` library with the 'HiMDUSBClassOverride' exploit
// 2. Under Node.JS - use the legacy API of the `usb` library, then invoke `.detachKernelDriver()` on the interface object
const fs = new UMSCHiMDFilesystem(webusbHiMDSCSIHandle);
await fs.init();
const driver = fs.driver;
const himd = await HiMD.init(fs);
// Upload a MAC-protected audio track (AT3/3+/PCM)
const title = {
title: "Example",
album: "Test",
artist: "Foobar",
// Create a WriteStream
const stream = await himd.openWriteStream();
// Create a new session
const session = new UMSCHiMDSession(driver, himd);
await session.performAuthentication();
// Example for ATRAC3 at 66kbps (LP4 on normal Minidisc)
const codecInfo = generateCodecInfo("AT3", HiMDKBPSToFrameSize.atrac3[66]);
await uploadMacDependent(himd, session, stream, atrac3RawArrayBuffer, codecInfo, title, console.log);
// Finalize the session
await session.finalizeSession();