A Flarum extension. Azure Filesystem Extender for Flarum.
This is a proof of concept extension for flarum/framework#2732. It does not contain proper features needed for a driver like this, such as caching. It should NOT be used in production!!!!
Install with composer:
composer require askvortsov/flarum-azure:"*"
Set up a blob storage container via the azure portal.
Add the following to your config.php
'azure-config' =>
array (
array (
'accountName' => '...',
'accountKey' => '...',
'containerName' => '...'
Add the following row to your settings table:
key: 'disk_driver.DISK_NAME'
value: 'azure'
Flarum's default disk names are flarum-assets
and flarum-avatars
. I recommend testing with flarum-assets
composer update askvortsov/flarum-azure:"*"
php flarum migrate
php flarum cache:clear