A schematic is included here, along with the KiCAD data files, which are in KiCAD 6 format.
The PCB is a 4 layer board easily built by any random PCB house.
This board is the hardware for my Matrix Display project, which is spread across three repos: this one, a repo holding the Pico W firmware, and an optional one that holds the HUB75 display controller, which is implemented in Verilog.
Once up and running, you will have a 64 x 32 LED matrix display, presenting information from your Home Assistant system or, in theory, any other system that publish data in a suitable format via MQTT.
- Power via 5V barrel jack
- A Pi Pico W (obviously)
- A DS3231 (PDF) I2C Real Time Clock
- CR122t battery backup
- IDC16 HUB75 connector attached to the Pico W
- Buzzer
- N25Q32A (PDF) 32MBit SPI Flash
- IDC16 HUB75 connector attached to the FPGA
The board revision included here fixes some minor issues I found in the board I use on a daily basis:
- The CR1225 conenctor has been moved a few mm to make it easier to insert and remove the battery.
- The screw terminals, which power the HUB75 panel, have been pointed in the oposite direction, making them easier to access.
- More vias have been added around the 1.2V power pin on the linear regulator.
- Matrix Display The projects main repository. which holds the firmware source code.
- HUB75 Controller A HUB75 LED matrix controller implemented in Verilog.