This is very simple python+numpy SVG rasterize. It is defensively incomplete and does have bugs.
It can be used as stand alone executable to generate PNG out of SVG file.
usage: [-h] [-bg BG] [-fg FG] [-w WIDTH] [-id ID]
[-t TRANSFORM] [--linear-rgb]
[--fonts [FONTS [FONTS ...]]]
svg output
positional arguments:
svg input SVG file
output output PNG file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-bg BG set default background color
-fg FG set default foreground color
-w WIDTH, --width WIDTH
output width
-id ID render single element with specified `id`
apply additional transformation
--linear-rgb use linear RGB for rendering
--fonts [FONTS [FONTS ...]]
paths to SVG files containing all fonts
- anti-aliased fill/stroke path
- with a color
- with linear and radial gradients
- with a pattern
- masking and clipping
- filters
- feColorMatrix
- feComposite
- feGaussianBlur (scipy is required)
- feMerge
- feMorphology
- feOffset
- SVG fonts
- text rendering
- text element
- tspan
Some Icons