A series of exercises for a 90-120 minutes Dojo aimed at introducing programmers to the IOT and Micro-controller world.
For a prgrammer to learn how to use the ESP8266 with ArduinoIDE, the follwoing skills are necessary:
- Setup ArduinoIDE ,ESP8266 repository and Serial drivers.
- install ArduinoIDE
- Understand program upload cylce.
- Boards.
- Serial Ports and USB2 Serial.
- 3.3V , 5V.
- Understanding the ESP8266 GPIO pins and Features.
- The Blink
- How to import and use libraries.
- Board Features:
- use the Buttons and Interrupts
- use the OLED display
- ESP8266 as Client
- ESP8266 NTP clock
- ESP8266 consume and parse a JSON web service opendata.ch SwissWeather
- Make your Wifi credentials configurable.
- ESP8266 with the cloud:
- Use Blynk to remote control a led
- Telegram Bot control a led