Theseus is a relatively brute force approach to tackling the PCR chimera problem in scRNA-seq by filtering molecules that, for a given cell barcode and UMI pair, have low read abundance. We call this TPT normalization and is defined as follows. For a given pair of cell barcode and UMI, u, and a particular transcript i:
TPTi,u = (readsi,u)/sum(readsj,u)
Where the denominator is summed over all transcripts j sharing the same u.
The user can define a threshold to filter molecules with low TPT and obtain a new expression matrix.
Yorimasa, is a slighlty more sophisticated option, in which the user specifies labels for cells and a set of genes that should be relatively unique for that population. A random forest classifier is trained on the dataset using a diverse set of features. A filter is applied using the out-of-bag probability estimates to remove chimeric molecules.
The features used may include:
- Reads per molecule
- Relative abundance of the cell barcode
- Relative abundance of the transcript
- Transcript GC content
- Transcript length
This folder contains iPython notebooks that process Drop-seq output (examples are included in the data subfolder along with precomputed gene level features) with Yorimasa and Theseus and a python script that processes 10X output run using cellranger 1.2+ with Theseus. The names Bellerophon and Perseus were taken already in the context of PCR chimeras.
Usage for 10x Theseus script:
The h5 file is typically the molecule_info file
Python Dependencies: pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, scipy, sklearn, statsmodels