A tool to compute wave attenuation due to Landau damping and geometric spreading in the magnetosphere. A companion code to the Stanford 3D Ray Tracing package.
This software has been compiled on OSX Mojave (10.14.5), and Linux (Fedora 6), but should build on anything.
This software has the following requirements:
-- Eigen (http://eigen.tuxfamily.org). A zipped version is provided in lib/eigen-3.3.7.zip
Unzip it into the lib/
-- xform_double: A set of Fortran coordinate transforms, originating with the Tsyganenko Geopack libraries. It's included in lib/xform_double.
-- Matlab: The code needs Matlab, and the associated C headers, to read a .mat data file. Edit the root Makefile to point to your Matlab install, e.g.:
Depending on your machine, you may need to edit the Makefile to point the linker to your installed version of libgfortran
Mine shows up under LGFORTRAN_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/gcc/8.3.0/lib/gcc/8
, since I installed gfortran as part of
gcc-8, using Homebrew.
With all the requirements satisfied, build the sofware by typing make
from the root directory.
There are two executables generated: damping
and dump_psd_models
This is the main Landau damping code. It is run from the command line (./damping
) with the following parameters
passed as command-line arguments:
-------- Stanford Ray Tracer Landau Damping Code ----------
--inp_file, -i: Input file to use (default: input.ray)
--out_file, -o: Output file to use (default: output.ray)
--mode, -m: Mode -- 1 for modern implementation, 0 for the legacy
damping code from the 2d raytracer.
--AE, -a: AE index - integer valued, 1, 2, 3.
--Kp, -k: Kp: Real valued, must be positive, 0 to 9
--yearday, -t: Year and day of year for plasmapause location (YYYYDDD)
--msec, -u: Milliseconds into day, for plasmapause location
--geom_factor, -v: Include the dipole geometric focusing factor? 1 for yes, 0 for no
When using the modern mode (--mode=1), the file crres_clean.mat
must be present in the current working directory.
The output is a text file, which contains two column vectors: time, and relative attenuation.
This module writes the phase-space density model used in the modern implementation to a text file. Run it from the command line with the following arguments:
-------- Stanford Ray Tracer PSD Model Dumper ----------
A program to export phase-space density models used
by the Landau damping code.
--out_file, -o: Output file to use (default: dump.dat)
--mode, -m: Mode -- 0 for the legacy Suprathermal model,
1 for the CRRES model, and 2 for the hybrid model
--AE, -a: AE index - integer valued, 1, 2, 3.
--Kp, -k: Kp: Real valued, must be positive, 0 to 9
--yearday, -t: Year and day of year for plasmapause location (YYYYDDD)
--msec, -u: Milliseconds into day, for plasmapause location
--MLT, -m: MLT (Magnetic Local Time)
--alpha, -p: Electron pitch angle, in degrees
--Lmin, -l: Minimum L-shell to dump
--Lmax, -L: Maximum L-shell to dump
--Lstep, -S: L-shell step size
The resulting output file is a space-separated list of entries, with each row containing: L-shell, energy, and f.