This repository contains a working in progress of some Csound versions of Jean-Claude Risset's Music V orchestras and scores.
Design and programming
Antonio de SOUSA DIAS
Here you'll find some exemples of Csound orchestras and scores adapted or inspired upon Jean-Claude Risset's works.
Most of them are not optimised to keep the MusicV coding style for easier reference.
The scores ending with <_om.sco> are scores written in a kind of Lisp-MusicV style.
You must translate them into a Csound score with the help of the OpenMusic (IRCAM) patch <m5_translator_kernel>.
This patch translates the score part of musicV listings into a Csound equivalent. (NOTE: this patch is not developed anymore: use it at your own risk)
It recognizes also Jean-Claude Risset's PLF subroutines PLF2 through PLF7 used in his Catalogue (1969), Inharmonique (1977) and Contours (1982).
For a more detailed discussion see:
- Sousa Dias, A. (2003) Transcription de fichiers Music V vers Csound au travers de OpenMusic. Actes des 10es Journees d'Informatique Musicale. Montbeliard: ADERIM.
- Sousa Dias, A. (2007) Deux contributions à la pédagogie de la musique électroacoustique et l’informatique musicale. Actes des Journées d’Informatique Musicale. Lyon: AFIM/GRAME.
- 2018, Mar 14: Initial release on GitHub. some minor changes and bug fixes.
- 2007, Jan 17: some minor changes and bug fixes, more consistent syntax style.
These patches are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes
Largo da Academia Nacional de Belas-Artes
1249-058 Lisboa, Portugal