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Infrastructure as Code 🏗️

This repository holds all infrastracture related Terraform code that plans and builds the AWS infrastracture used for the resume web application.

Features 🌐

  • Employs industry best practices in Terraform syntax.
  • Backend configuration that saves the state file remotely within an S3 bucket.
  • Variables configuration file to allow easy modification of infrastructure properties.
  • Outputting of infrastracture properties for easy debugging and reusability in other Terraform modules.
  • Modules have dependencies specified on each other, ensuring seamless infrastructure provisioning.
  • Automatic creation, validaiton and renewal of SSL certification.
  • Application Load Balancer & Listener that handle SSL termination and redirection.
  • HTTP traffic forwarding to HTTPS automatically.
  • Included is a custom Python script that utilizes boto3 to extract infrastructure information via AWS CLI and uses API's to update name-servers on Porkbun.

Provisioned Infrastructure 🏰

  • DNS records, including name-servers configuration against external domain provider.
  • EC2 Instance (Might be migrated to ECS soon).
  • Application Load Balancer, Listener & Target Group.
  • Amazon generated SSL Cert (ACM).
  • ECR Repository.
  • Internet gateways.
  • Routing Tables.
  • Security groups to allow HTTP&S ingress.
  • Subnets.
  • VPC.

Infracost Report 💰

Monthly cost will be $28 📈

Project name Baseline cost Usage cost* Total change New monthly cost
resume-app-iac +$21 +$7 +$28 $28

*Usage costs were estimated using Infracost Cloud settings, see docs for other options.

Cost details (includes details of skipped projects due to errors)
Key: * usage cost, ~ changed, + added, - removed

Project: main

+ aws_lb.resume-app-application-load-balancer

    + Application load balancer

    + Load balancer capacity units
      +$2, +0.3424 LCU*

+ aws_ecr_repository.resume-app-ecr-repo

    + Storage
      +$5, +50 GB*

+ aws_instance.resume-app-ec2-instance

    + Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, t4g.nano)

    + root_block_device
        + Storage (general purpose SSD, gp2)

+ aws_route53_zone.main

    + Hosted zone

Monthly cost change for aws
Amount:  +$28 ($0.00 → $28)

Key: * usage cost, ~ changed, + added, - removed
1 project has no cost estimate change.
Run the following command to see its breakdown: infracost breakdown --path=/path/to/code

*Usage costs were estimated using Infracost Cloud settings, see docs for other options.

18 cloud resources were detected:
∙ 4 were estimated
∙ 14 were free

Infracost estimate: Monthly cost will increase by $28 ↑
┃ Project name                                       ┃ Baseline cost ┃ Usage cost ┃ Total change ┃
┃ resume-app-iac                                     ┃          +$21 ┃        +$7 ┃         +$28 ┃

Governance checks

🔴 1 failure
FinOps tags: This example Tagging policy shows how you can enforce required FinOps tag keys/values in pull requests. This example checks for the tags 'Service' (can have any value) and 'Environment' (must be Dev/Stage/Prod) on all taggable resources being changed in the pull request. You can adjust it from > Governance > Tagging policies.

aws_acm_certificate.resume-app-cert at

  • Missing mandatory tags: Service, Environment

in project AWS

🟢 53 passed
52 FinOps policies, 0 Tagging policies, and 1 Guardrail passed.

Progression and Future Ideas 💡

  • This repository will eventually contain both Terraform and Ansible configuration files. Currently working on getting the whole infra set up via Terraform, will move on to Ansible after.
  • Add prod.tfvars, dev.tfvars etc that will ovverride the main file.
  • Transfer all .tf files to use vars from a base file.
  • Add file that will define where the file will be saved (s3)


Terraform deployment code for resume application.






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