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Brian W. Mulligan edited this page Oct 22, 2016 · 4 revisions


XASTRO_CONSTS - physical constants, mostly in cgs

g_XASTRO - a global instance of XASTRO_CONSTS


XASTRO_FILTER - a base class for filters

XASTRO_FILTER_GAUSSIAN - a type of filter with a Gaussian response

XASTRO_filters - a set of standard filters

XASTRO_vega - effective luminosities of Vega in a set of standard filters

XA_Compute_Magnitude - compute a magnitude from a flux, reference flux, and reference magnitude


calendar_date - container class for date information.

XA_JD_pJulian - compute Julian date from continual Julian date.

XA_JD_pGregorian - compute Julian date from proleptic Gregorian date.

XA_JD - compute Julian date from given date, assuming Gregorian transition on 6 Oct 1582 (Julian) / 15 Oct 1582 (Gregorian).

XA_MJD - compute Modified Julian Date.

XA_TJD - compute Truncated Julian Date.


XA_Jeans_Mass - compute Jeans mass from temperature, density, and mean molecular weight

XA_Jeans_Density - compute Jeans density from temperature, mean molecular weight, and mass

XA_Planck_Photon_Flux - compute specific photon flux for a Blackbody