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Brian W. Mulligan edited this page May 13, 2016 · 1 revision

void ReadDataFile(const char * i_lpszFilename, bool i_bWhitespace_Separated_Columns, bool i_bAllow_Strings, char i_chColumn_Separator, unsigned int i_uiHeader_Lines)

This routine reads a data set from an ascii file.


  • i_lpszFilename (const char *): the name and full path to the file to read
  • i_bWhitespace_Separated_Columns (bool): set to true if the columns are separated by white space (spaces or tab)
  • i_bAllow_Strings (bool): set to true if the file contains strings, delimited by either " or '. NOTE: This feature is not fully tested and may cause faults if a file with strings is read.
  • [optional] i_chColumn_Separator (char): the separator between columns if the file is not whitespace separated. Default value = 0.
  • [optional] i_uiHeader_Lines (unsigned int): the number of lines in the file to ignore as column headers. Default value = 1.



Fault response

There will be error information output to stderr if there is a fault. errno is not set.