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Brian W. Mulligan edited this page Dec 22, 2017 · 2 revisions

xmath consists of a large variety of mathematical related routines. The API is split into a variety of header files:

  • xbinmath.h: binary arithmatic and operatrions for n-precision numbers.
  • xcomplex.h: complex numbers; this can largely be replaced with the stl complex class.
  • xextprec.h: extended precision double that stores values as their log, allowing a larger range but lower precision.
  • xfit.h: routines for fitting a model to data.
  • xgraph.h: obsolete graphing routines - no longer supported and underlying code has been lost.
  • xlinalg.h: linear algebra related classes -- vectors, matrices, tensors.
  • xlinalgep.h: linear algebra routines using the extended precision double in xextprec.h.
  • xmath.h: general purpose mathematical routines, including integrators, factorial approximations, splines.
  • xpolynomial.h: routines for quickly evaluating polynomials.
  • xroots.h: routines for root finding.
  • xstat.h: statistical routines.