I started doing codeforces with AlphaStar-Ada in the beginning of 8th grade as a source of practice problems. Now I love participating in contests (handel arjunsubramanian) and increasing my rating.
This repos, similar to my USACO repos has my solutions code or a .txt file that indicates where my solution to a problem is. It is divided by contest number and each file in a contest is named by the problem letter that it is. PS, navigate to a codeforces problem by "https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/(contest)/(problem)". If a folder have a G in front of the name it is from a Gym. You can navigate to those problems with "https://codeforces.com/gym/(contest)/problem/(problem)".
On official contests - ones I have taken during the contest time I will write " official: " on every problem and note the result:
- Correct: all test cases past
- Unattempted: Didn't submit anything
- Incorrect - Test case x: Failed on test case x