NOTE: Please create a new Executable file for your convenience.
A metro app that helps you to get the shortest path between stations,information about tickets etc.
This application need to install and setup the SDL2 library first. So to download it "" Extract the files in a new folder named SDL in C-drive.
Set Up SDL library, and edit paths in environment variables.
NOTE-:If you do not want any change in Environment variables you can do if you have a 32-bit os- g++ metro_project.cpp -o metro_project -IC:\SDL\SDL2-2.28.2\include -LC:\SDL\SDL2-2.28.2\lib\x86 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -lmingw32 or g++ metro_project.cpp -o metro_project -IC:\SDL\SDL2-2.28.2\include -LC:\SDL\SDL2-2.28.2\lib\x64 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -lmingw32 for 64 Bit OS. in terminal.
After this, an executable file will be created which you can run.
NOTE:- 1. It is best to give the next command after the previous one has been completed, in order to minimize latency. 2. Provide the required option when a new window is opened.