Spaghetti html+lua code templater inside nginx
It's just a fun experiment. There will be no support or development.
<?lml tmpl:include('sugar') ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Now <?lml print(ngx.utctime()) ?></title>
<?lml local alc = require('lib.alc') ?>
Hi, <?lml print(esc(req:get('name', 'traveler')), '/', ngx.var.remote_addr) ?>.
It has <?lml print(alc:inc('cnt')) ?>th request since the server is restarted.
local hdrs = {}
for k,v in pairs(ngx.req.get_headers()) do
table.insert(hdrs, '<tr><td style="font-weight:bold;">'..esc(k)..'</td><td>'..esc(v)..'</td></tr>')
<h3>Headers of <?lml print(ngx.req.get_method()) ?>th request to <?lml print(esc(ngx.var.request_uri)) ?></h3>
<table><?lml print(hdrs) ?></table>
<?lml include('footer') ?>
Enjoy :)