nuefil is yet another Rust UEFI libraray.
It is based on the UEFI libaray of Redox.
To use nuefil just write the following in your Cargo.toml and use the types where the FFI boundaries require them.
nuefil = { git = "" }
Then you can use it in the following way:
use core::fmt::Write;
use nuefil::{
status::{Status, SUCCESS},
text::{BackgroundColor, Color, ForegroundColor},
// The entry point for UEFI.
pub extern "C" fn efi_main(_image_handle: Handle, system_table: &'static SystemTable) -> Status {
(&*system_table.ConsoleOut).write_fmt(format_args!("Testing the {} library.\r\n", "nuefil")).unwrap();
system_table.ConsoleOut.set_attribute(Color::new(ForegroundColor::Red, BackgroundColor::Blue)).unwrap();
(&*system_table.ConsoleOut).write_fmt(format_args!("This line should be red with a blue background.")).unwrap();
// Wait for input, so the output can be read
If you're unfamiliar working Rust in such an environment and get stuck on the errors, try reading this excellent block. It talks about Rust without an operating system in general. For UEFI specifics, you can check out this thread.