Beep is a car review app written by you for you. All reviews are from actual customers not paid reviewers. Users can create a review for any car in the world and check out reviews that other users have made as well.
back end repo:
technologies used: JavaScript, React, Bootstrap
unsolved problems: mostly styling issues
planning, process, problem-solving: I initially was going to create a car shopping app using a third party api, however, the link to the API Console for the api I was going to use was broken and there were no decent alternatives so I decided to change it to a car review site and seed the app myself.
user stories: as a user, I would like to search for a car by make, model and year as a user, I would also like to see additional information about the vehicle displayed as a developer, I would like the app to be reliable and bug-free as a user, I would like to see a clean layout