Sif is a scripting language inspired by HyperTalk, AppleScript, and Jinx.
Since you probably just want to see the language, here is a sample Sif script:
function the factorial of {x}
if x = 0 or x = 1 then return 1
return x * the factorial of x - 1
end function
print the factorial of 10
More thorough documentation is forthcoming. The language is currently considered a prototype. You should be able to play around with it, but you'll likely encounter unexpected bugs.
For most POSIX systems, building should work pretty much out of the box:
This will produce artifacts in the build
directory. To run tests:
make test
To run a script:
./build/sif <file> [ <args> ... ]
-- Print a line of text using the "print" function:
print "Hello, World!"
-- Print text, without a newline, using the "write" function:
write "Type something: "
-- Read a line of text (note: "a" is optional):
read a line
-- The value is automatically captured as the variable "it":
print it
-- Though less idiomatic, you may also compose these functions:
write "Type something: "
print read line
-- Set a variable using the "set" command:
set firstName to "Hari"
-- Variable names may be non-ASCII characters:
set 名前 to "Hari"
-- "if" statements can be a single line:
if firstName = "Hari" then set lastName to "Seldon"
— ...or span multiple lines as a block:
if firstName = "Hari" then
set lastName to "Seldon"
set nickname to "Raven"
end if
-- You can print multiple things using commas:
print "Welcome,", firstName, nickname, lastName
-- Use "repeat" to repeat a block of code:
print "Ask a question: "
write "> "
read a line
set input to it
if input = empty then exit repeat
else print "I don't understand", input
end repeat
-- Functions may have multiple words in their name:
function the password
return "12345"
end function
write "Password: "
read a line
if it = the password then print "Correct"
else print "Incorrect, but trusting you for now..."