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Tiny CMS

This extension provides a very lightweight content management system. By placing tags in templates you can quickly create editable content on your pages.

###Using In Templates To add a tag to a template use the twig function provided below:

{{ tiny_cms('my-snippet', sys.template) }}

Where my_snippet is the machine readable name of the snippet that will be inserted. The second parameter is the template path which is only useful to help determine where snippets are located when viewing the current snippets. You can easily provide this second parameter by just using the predefined template variable sys.template.

NOTE: for now only dashes (not underscores) are supported in slug names.

###Using in PHP There are a few different methods available via the php api.

  • TinyCMS::render_stub($stub_slug, $template=null) - this is the method that does all the work in the template function shown above.
  • TinyCMS::define_stub($name, value) - creates a new stub with the given name and value.
  • TinyCMS::get_all_stubs() - returns all of the stub beans.


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