Grunt plugin for compression CSS classes and identifiers. Exmaple:
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-revizor --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
Type: String
Default value: '__'
Prefix to which end the class names and identifiers to be compressed
Exmaple: .b-tabmenu__item--active__
-> .zS
Type: String
Default value: '-min'
The prefix for the name of the compressed file. The final name of the new file is equal to the original file name plus a prefix plus the extension of the original file.
Example: style1.css
-> style-min.css
Type: Array
Default value: []
By default grunt-revizor minifies only classes and IDs that exist within your CSS files. We do this to avoid replace
strings by mistake from your non-css files (like JS, PHP, HTML, etc).
But sometimes there are CSS classes and IDs that exists only within non-css files. It happens, for example, when you
create a CSS ID only because you need to find that element from within a JS code. Example: $(#some-selector)
Often these selectors are not referenced in your CSS causing grunt-revizor to ignore them.
Use this option to let grunt-revizor know which are the CSS class and IDs that should be minified even that it is not present in your CSS file. Using this option grunt-revizor can safe minify selectors inside your no-css files without make a mistake.
You can also use this option to minify string that are not CSS classes selectors. Be creative ;)
You don't need to add the dot nor the # in the begin of the strings in this array, nor you need to add the options.nameSuffix
in it. The grunt-revizor is smart enough to add it for you automatically.
revizor: {
options: {
nonCssFileSelectors: [
src: ['test/css/*.css', 'test/html/*.html', 'test/js/*.js']
All these strings are equivalents.
revizor: {
options: {
nameSuffix: '__',
nonCssFileSelectors: [
src: ['test/css/*.css', 'test/html/*.html', 'test/js/*.js']
Type: Boolean
Default value: true
Set false
if you want to save the directory structure
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
Set true
if you want to be notified about strings that match the prefix configured in options.nameSuffix
were ignored by grunt-revizor.
An string will be ignored when it is not found inside your CSS files nether in the array options.nonCssFileSelectors
Read the documentation about options.nonCssFileSelectors
for more details.
revizor: {
options: {},
src: ['test/css/*.css', 'test/html/*.html', 'test/js/*.js']
The result is a new compressed files in the same directory specified in the src, with a standard prefix.
Name compress example: .b-tabmenu__item--active__
-> .zS
Example: test/css/style1-min.css
, test/css/style2-min.css
, test/html/index-min.html
revizor: {
options: {},
src: ['test/css/*.css', 'test/html/*.html', 'test/js/*.js'],
dest: 'build/'
The result is a new compressed files in the directory build
, with a standard prefix.
Example: build/style1-min.css
, build/style2-min.css
, build/index-min.html
revizor: {
options: {
flatten: false
src: ['test/css/*.css', 'test/html/*.html', 'test/js/*.js'],
dest: 'build/'
The result is a new compressed files in the directory build
, with a standard prefix.
Example: build/test/css/style1-min.css
, build/test/css/style2-min.css
, test/html/index-min.html
revizor: {
options: {
nameSuffix: '--',
compressFilePrefix: '.min'
src: ['test/css/*.css', 'test/html/*.html', 'test/js/*.js'],
dest: 'build/'
The result is a new compressed files in the directory build
, with the prefix .min
. Will compress all names that end with symbols --
Name compress example: .b-tabmenu--item__active--
-> .xS
File path example: build/style1.min.css
, build/style2.min.css
, build/index.min.html
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
- 2015-02-02 v0.1.0 Initial release.